Having a disability isn't a death sentence. It's the beginning of a new adventure.

Raising the awareness for disabled animals. Showing the world how amazing they are and how they deserve to live.
Having a disability isn't a death sentence!
In June 2022 we registered Pumpkin and Friends charity 1199484. Slowly we are changing the world. Desperately raising the awareness and the importance of disabled animals. Also supporting and helping families of disabled animals . We provide disabled animals with the equipment they need to give them their mobility & freedom back. Wheelchairs, Harnesses and strollers.
We have changed over 650 animals life's, supporting families financially & emotionally.
Team Pumpkin, the charity trustees and volunteers are all experienced with disabled animals and are committed to the charity. Our future goal is to create and build a retreat for disabled animals. A retreat where animals with disabilities can live happily with the love and care they need. We want to offer respite, so our families can have a much needed holiday or break. Leaving their 'wheelie good friend' in safe hands... knowing that we can care and Facilitate for its needs.
Having a disability isn't a death sentence. It's the beginning of a brand new adventure
Thank you to all of our amazing supporters who truly believe in us.. Without you we couldn't do what we do!

Every donation helps.
Make a donation
Support Us
We really need your donations. They help us provide life changing care and support.
We are these animals voices, but we cant do it without your help.
Pumpkin and friends really appreciate your support (we know the animals do too)
All donations gratefully appreciated
Pumpkin and Friends Charity

Meet Tammie & Richard
We are a family living in Lincolnshire England. A working family with two children, all massive animal lovers, they are our passion. In Oct 2021 our family adopted a paralysed puppy called Pumpkin. Pumpkin was a tiny 8 week old West Highland Terrier, she was given to a rescue. We instantly fell in love with her. We knew we had to help her. Unfortunately an MRI scan reviled that her spine had been broken through extreme trauma 💔. Pumpkin doesn't feel pain or any sensations from her waist down. She is also double incontinent, so wears a nappy.
We as a family give Pumpkin a wonderful life, full of adventures and fun. We will always do everything best for her, making sure she remains happy. We love her so much, she is part of our family.
Pumpkin is now a Disabled Dog Advocate, raising awareness all over the world 🌎. She has raised over £25,000 to help other animals with disabilities. Now also working as a therapy dog, spreading joy to lots of people. Pumpkin herself has her own social media accounts and websites www.pumpkintheparalysedwestie.com, https://www.facebook.com/Pumpkintheparalysedpuppy
Pumpkin & Friends Charity wants to continue to help more animals.
Sharing our vision with you
Team Pumpkin are working so hard and have so many fundraising ideas. The inbox is bursting with animals that need help.
We have a dream .... a dream we are determined to make come true!
Pumpkin and friends charity are looking for a property with a small holdings attached. The dream is to give unwanted disabled animals their forever home. Also offering resbite to our 'wheelie good friends' and other disabled animals.
We want to say thank you for all of the support and love our charity has received.
It's incredible how much people believe in us and want to help.
We want 'Pumpkin and friends animal retreat' to be part of all her supporters life's.
The charity has always been transparent and will always continue to be this way.
We don't know how much this dream is going to cost. But what we do know, is that we will do everything possible to make it happen!
These animals are incredible and deserve to be able to live. With thanks to Pumpkin and Friends charity Billy lived a further 6 months with wheels. We are forever grateful
Tracey Bolton

There is nothing more therapeutic for a broken human to have a broken animal roll on their knee. Sprinkling some sunshine and magic on them
Brantley manor care home